Cadence 9 days old! | baby portrait | Tampa newborn baby photographer

I definitely feel that I have the best job in the world. As an experienced Tampa wedding photographer, I get to share in the joy of a couple getting married. I get to help them prepare for their big day and then capture all of the precious moments that make up that memorable day. I always feel that great friendships are started through this collaboration. It is so wonderful, when I get to photograph the other great events in their life, like when they start to have children and I get to see their little babies for the first time. We photographed Allie and Carl about a year and a half ago. They were just blessed with this gift from god. We are so honored that they allowed us the privilege of photographing their little angel. We had a great time photographing the baby in lots of cute poses and just love the way the images turned out. Enjoy!

Brielle – 1 month old – Tampa baby portrait photographer

Some of our favorite images from a recent baby session we did. Little Brielle and her parents were visiting from Jacksonville, Florida and scheduled a baby portrait session after seeing some of our previous baby portraits. It was an honor being able to capture some beautiful images of their little angel. We look forward to seeing everyone the next time they come back to visit!

Addyson – Tampa baby portrait photographer –

Photographing babies is always very rewarding and fun. Photographing little Addyson was definitely a lot of fun. Little Addyson is such an incredibly happy baby!! She is six months old and is always smiling and laughing. I really loved how expressive she is and I think these pictures really capture how precious this little angel is. We also captured some really great images of her little brother, Bentley. He was a bundle of energy and it was hard to get him to sit still for very long. Having a lot of experience with babies and kids of all ages, we used some of our skills to interact with him and ended up getting some really nice pictures of him too.

We look forward to photographing these great kids again in the near future. In the meantime, we are super thrilled to showcase these great images we took of them!

Apollo – 9 month session – Tampa baby portrait photographer

Kids grow up sooooo fast! I see it watching my own daughter who is now five and it only seems like yesterday that I was bringing her home from the hospital after she was born. I also see it as I photograph my clients baby portraits and in particular their newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 1 year sessions.

I have been lucky enough to photograph all four boys for Jasmine and Jamie. I have watched as each baby grows up and develops their own unique style and personality. I love watching them and seeing how they interact with each other and express themselves. It is such a joy to watch how proud Jasmine and Jamie are of each one of their boys and how happy they are every time we deliver the final images from each baby portrait session. I not only capture each one of her boys at a precious stage of their life, but also all of the four brothers together. I am already looking forward to the 1 year baby portrait session. That session is always soooo much fun! Why you ask???? Balloons and cake + 1 year old = LOTS OF FUN!!!

Ishaan – Tampa baby portrait photographer –

What a great honor we had recently. A few weeks ago, we were contacted and asked about photographing a baby session for a couple that was visiting from New Jersey. A local friend of theirs referred them to us. We are so honored whenever others recommend us and this is no exception. We love our clients and are so thankful for each and every referral. Thank you very much to everyone who has taken the time to share their beautiful images with others and spread the word about what we have to offer! We truly couldn’t continue to grow without your support!!

Below are some of our favorite images from the baby session of Ishaan. He was so cute!! Very curious and observant! He was constantly watching everything we were doing, even during the times when we were changing backdrops or when he was changing outfits! We had a lot of fun being silly and trying to get him to smile. His proud parents brought several outfits and were very helpful throughout the entire photo shoot. They were very receptive to all of our photo ideas, both in the studio and when we suggested heading to some nearby outdoor locations. We also took the opportunity to capture some great family portraits, in which you what a beautiful family they are! We had a ton of fun and love the way the images turned out.

Aiden is here!!! Tampa baby portrait photographer

We just had another opportunity to capture some amazing images of a newborn baby for a mom that we had also done a maternity session for. What is so wonderful about these sessions is that we get to know the mom very well prior to and after the baby is born. We get to share in the excitement and anticipation prior to the baby being born and then all of the beauty and awe of seeing that little angel after they are born. As I photograph the baby, I am often thinking to myself what an amazing miracle this little baby is and how lucky I am to share in this experience with all of these special moms! I am honored to be able to capture such precious memories for them and which will become a cherished family heirloom for generations to come.

Photographing Kristen and her baby has been a joy. Kristen is such a nice person and just has a natural beauty and presence in front of the camera. She is very relaxed and easy to work with. Originally when we did her maternity session and suggested mixing outdoor locations and the studio shoot, she just went with it! This time was no different. She loved all of the ideas we had for photographing little Aiden. We got some great images of him in many cute poses, props and outfits. We also got some very beautiful images of mom and son that are just so beautiful to look at. You can just see how much she loves Aiden and how precious he is to her. As experienced Tampa newborn photographers, we love when we can connect with our subjects and follow their precious journey through their pregnancy and then through motherhood and the many stages that their newborn child will go through. We are already looking forward to seeing little Aiden again in a few months!